Here you can find the portfolio of six public concert-installations presented during the research period (2014-2017).

This system was designed to explore a particular approach on the relation of a solo cello performance with the site where it takes place. This approach extends the aspects discussed in the previous chapters with installation/architectural/sculptural practices where the occupation and spatial design of the site are an integral part of the system. These aspects reflect and are reflected in the musical performances and it is their intersection that configures a portrait of a particular and specific relation to a here and a now. In all the selected iterations the exploded cello system assumes an instrumental character adapting the relations between the electroacoustic device, the cello improvisation performance and the specific designed or selected external objects. In this portfolio we can track its development through the contact with different Contexts and Sites (among gallery spaces, industrial spaces, stages or open air public spaces) and how that influenced the different setup configurations (spatial strategies) and activation modes (temporal strategies).

The presented documentation for each project should be seen as complementary to the written document. For each of the iterations I will present documentation on:

SETUP: spatial diagram and photo/video documentation on each project´s installation setup.

ACTIVATION: temporal diagram and videos or audio of the concert-installation.

Click on each of the images below for further information.