ECHOES is a program for the city of Lisbon that aims to put together thoughts, experiences and interventions on the relationship between LISTENING and PLACE.

We want to create a transdisciplinary platform that allows several publics to get closer to the various relationships on Listening and Place. This way we will be able to take instruments to follow in a positive way a common debate to different areas of artistic and scientific knowledge, on the definition of Place in contemporary society and on the way Soundscape and Aurality contribute or reflect this situation.

This project is presented in 4 weekends happening every 2 months when debates, concerts, workshops, soundwalks, radio opencalls and film screenings will take place.

This program will happen in several places in Lisbon focusing in the specific relationship between the proposed events and the chosen places. Therefore we have invited a large number of artists and investigators, national and foreign, to take Lisbon as their object to think about this theme.