Mentoring in Theatre and Music | Supervision of University of Minho students’ projects
Artistic Training Residency with the students of the University of Minho / Degree in Theatre. This Artistic Training Residency is the result of a partnership between Osso Colectivo and GIEP, Grupo de Investigação em Estudos Performativos da Universidade do Minho / CEHUM / Licenciatura em Teatro da UM. Mentoring by the artists of Osso Colectivo, Beatriz Cantinho and Nuno Torres, respectively, in the area of movement and sound.

Guidance: Beatriz Cantinho and Nuno Torres
Date: 02.06.2019 to 05.06.2019
Location: Estúdios Osso
Support: Cehum, GIEP and Direção-Geral das Artes